House and Leisure Feature in the 'Happy Hour' styled shoot (September 2021)

Happy Hour - Mix colours, blend textures, pair patterns... live la dolche vita!
Such an honor to have CoralBloom featured in the new the House and Leisure magazine. This gorgeous photoshoot at The Castle of Good Hope features our cotton and hemp napkins with Agapanthus and Nasturtium artworks painted by Ann C. Jooste.
A huge thank you to the House and Leisure team & The Lookbook Studio team who put together this beautiful collection and for making our dreams come true!
"Clashing colours, striking patterns and tantalising textures make for a vibrant tablescape that sets the scene for a gloriously, decadent feast. lunch becomes a leisurely, languid affair as the sun slowly dips and the shadows lengthen across empty plates and platters." ~ H&L Spring 2021